viernes, 24 de abril de 2015


Which are the main characteristics of animals?

They are heterotrophic, multicellular and composed of eukaryotic cells

What are the three vital functions that animals perform?

Nutrition, interaction and reproduction

Which are the main differences between invertebrates and vertebrates?

Vertebrates have a spinal column and invertebrates don't

Which types of invertebrates do you know?

Sponges, cnidarians, molluscs, annelids, arthropods and echinoderms

What type of nutrition do sponges have?

They are filter feeders, they use flagella to move water so that it passes through their pores and they can get nutrients from it.

Which types of body shape can cnidarians have?

They have two different body shapes: polyp and medusae

Which types of molluscs do you know?

Bivalves, gastropods and cephalopods

What's a radula?

A tongue with very small teeth for biting and chewing food

How do annelids breathe?

They have cutaneus respiration (they breathe through the skin)

What's an exoskeleton?

An external skeleton that protects the animal

Why do arthropods moult?

Because they need to shed their exoskeleton to continue growing

What's metamorphosis?

Is the process by which some species change how they look as they grow

Which are the 4 different groups of arthropods?

Myriapods, arachnids, insects and crustaceans

How do echinoderms move?

They have a system of ambulacra with small structures called tube feet

viernes, 10 de abril de 2015


Hydrae are the only cnidarians that live in freshwater, they are very small and they are always polyps.


In this video you can see how jellyfish are born asexually by budding (polyp), they are born as ephirae and they quickly become medusae. Medusae reproduce sexually (male and female gametes). This completes the lifecycle of the jellyfish.


In this video you can see how corals are artificially feed, corals are cnidarians and they only have the polyp body shape.


martes, 7 de abril de 2015


As you should know sponges are filter feeders, they move water around them ( with the help of choanocytes) to get nutrients from it. You can see the evidence in this video.
Sponges are the simplest animals on Earth and they constitute the phylum PORIFERA.