viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015


Why are plants autotrophic organisms? 

Because they can make their own food
What's chlorophyll? 
It's a green pigment that all plants have and need to absorb sunlight
What do plants need to perform photosynthesis? 

Sunlight, carbon dioxide, water and minerals/mineral salts
Which substances are produced during photosynthesis? 

Oxygen and glucose
Where does photosynthesis take place? 
In the leaves of all plants 

What types of non-vascular plants are there? 
Mosses and liverworts
What's the function of flowers?

Reproduction of plants
What types of flowering plants are there? 
Gymnosperms and angiosperms
What is pollination?

It's a process by which pollen is transferred from the anther to the stigma
What is fertilisation? 
Is the process by which male and female gametes join and form fruits and seeds

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2015


As we have seen, plants create their own food through the process of photosynthesis, they can store the food they create in any of their parts: roots, stems, leaves, flowers...
This food is useful for us too, we can eat any part of a plant. Plants have plenty of healthy vitamins and carbohydrats and are an excellent source of food for humans.
Some examples of edible plants are the following:

ROOTS:, carrot, beetroot, turnip, radish...
STEMS: onion, celery,  potatoe, leek, asparagus, garlic...
LEAVES: lettuce, spinach, cabbage, chard, parsley...
FRUITS: apple, tomatoe, peach, grapes, strawberries, prun...
SEEDS: sunflower seeds, rice, corn, wheat, beans, peas, lentils, coffee, almond, hazelnut...

FLOWERS: cauliflower, broccoli, artichoke, caper, saffron, tea...

domingo, 1 de marzo de 2015


Ferns are the most primitive of the vascular plants. They have a system of highly developed conduits to transport the sap ( xylem and phloem). Their parts are also named differently from the typical parts of flowering plants. They reproduce by spores that mature in the sporangia called sorus.


Mosses are considered non-vascular plants because their conduits to transport the sap aren't well depeloped. They also reproduce by spores (they don't have seeds or flowers) and their parts have different names than flowering plants.


Here you can see different species of liverworts. Remember they are primitive plants that live in dark and wet places (fountains and rivers) and don't have real conduits to transport the sap. They reproduce by spores that are formed in a capsule.