lunes, 22 de junio de 2015

Enjoy your summer holidays!

Hello guys!
This post is just to tell you that, as you know, I had a car accident last Sunday so I couldn't work last week.
I had told you to have a final exam in order to give you an extra chance to pass or improve your grades, but finally I had estimated an average with your previous marks, It's not really important because I'm continuously doing an ongoing assesment of your progress, so I can be fair enough... I hope you don't feel disappointed.
It has been a pleasure teaching you guys!
Enjoy your summer holidays!!

martes, 9 de junio de 2015


What are the main components of the atmosphere?

Why is oxygen important?

What are the functions of the atmosphere?

What are the names of the four layers of the atmosphere?

What are clouds?

What's precipitation? How may it occur? What does it depend on?

What's the difference between weather and climate?

What's atmospheric pressure?

What's global warming?

What's acid rain?

What has caused a hole in the ozone layer?

Where does air pollution come from?

sábado, 6 de junio de 2015


The Power point should include at least:

Definition of the atmospheric problem
Future consequences
Possible solutions
A short piece of advice to improve our daily routines in order to reduce the impacts of the environmental problems.

It can also include explanatory videos, pictures, etc...

Don't forget this work will be an important part of your C7 and C8 grade. Good luck!

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015


What are vertebrates?

Vertebrates are animals with an internal bony skeleton with a spinal column.

Which classes of vertebrate animals are there?

This taxonomic group has five classes: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

How do fish breathe?

They breathe through their gills.

What's the operculum?

The operculum is  an structure that covers the gills. 

What's the lateral line?

It's a sensory organ used by fish to detect movement in the water.

How do amphibians breathe?

They breathe through gills when they're tadpoles and through lungs and their skin when they are adults.

Which groups of reptiles do you know? Give examples of each

There are 3 groups: Chelonia (tortoises and turtles), Squamata (lizards, snakes and chameleons) and Crocodylia (crocodyles, alligators and caimans)

What do reptiles eat?

Most reptiles are carnivorous but some are herbivorous.

What's does the shape of a bird's beak depend on?

It depends on the bird's diet.

What are the main characteristics of mammals?

Mammals have a body covered with fur, mammary glands to feed their babies on milk. They are homeotherms and breathe through lungs.

What types of mammals do you know?

There are three big groups of mammals: monotremes, marsupials and placentals.

What's the main difference between monotremes and marsupial mammals?

Monotremes are oviparous and marsupials are viviparous

What's the main difference between marsupials and placental mammals?

Young marsupials complete their development in an external pouch where the mammary glands are and placentals are already well developed when they're born.

What are the main characteristics of the human species?

Our body is covered with down, we have opposable thumbs, we can stand upright and our brain is highly developed